How to Create an Enriching Environment for Your Kitten
How to Create an Enriching Environment for Your Kitten

How to Create an Enriching Environment for Your Kitten

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Kittens are curious, energetic fluffballs with boundless energy. A safe, enriching environment can cater to your kitten’s playful side, stimulate them physically and mentally, and benefit their health and development for the rest of their life.


Tips for Creating a Safe, Enriching Environment for Kittens

Keeping your kitten indoors has significant benefits because it protects them from a large number of dangers. But without all the sights, sounds and smells of nature, a kitten needs other ways to stimulate their mind and body.


To build your kitten an enriching environment, provide them with safe places for hiding and resting, like window ledges, carriers or perches. Your kitten should feel protected in their safe spots and may prefer an enclosed resting area. While kittens spend a great deal of their time sleeping, their periods of wakefulness can and should be used to stimulate psychological and physical activity.


It’s important to create stimulating places for entertainment and play, as well. Cats can benefit from spaces at different vertical levels, like cat trees and perches. A variety of scratching posts can teach your kitten appropriate scratching while nurturing their natural instincts, and protect your furniture and carpet from their sharp claws.


Many cats also benefit from social activity with other cats, especially if they were introduced to other cats early in life. Providing your kitten with another kitten or young cat as a play buddy can help meet their need for near-constant play and motion. Keep in mind that cats put a premium on managing space, so it’s important that multiple-cat homes offer a variety of places to hide, sleep and observe, using both the horizontal and vertical dimensions.


Engaging Games and Toys for Kittens

An important component to enriching your kitten’s environment is socialization and play, especially if your kitten is the only animal in the household. A kitten’s natural predator-play behavior is usually easy to stimulate with interactive toys, such as wand toys or balls to pounce on or chase.


Games for Kittens

Playing kitten games with your pet helps them develop coordination and natural hunting skills. It also can help them learn boundaries and develop a bond with their new owner. Aim for 10 to 15 minutes of structured playtime two or three times a day. One way to prevent the “nighttime crazies” is to engage in active, vigorous play before feeding your kitten at bedtime. This helps wear out the kitten before bed and mimics the natural hunting-feeding-grooming-sleeping sequence in cats.


Engaging games to play with your kitten include:


  • Hide and seek: Call your kitten to you; this may be easiest at mealtime. When your kitten comes running, move to a different room and call again. Reward them for finding you with a fun toy or treat.
  • Fetch: Toss a toy across the floor for your kitten to chase. When they “catch” the toy, call them back to you. If they bring the toy back to you, reward them with praise or treats to reinforce the behavior.
  • Paper bag prey: Place a paper shopping bag on its side, and gently scratch the sides or put a toy inside to encourage your kitten inside. Poke and scratch the outside of the bag while your kitten happily pursues the unknown “prey.”


Keeping a Kitten Entertained While Alone

A greater challenge is providing enrichment opportunities for kittens when a person or another pet is not present to interact with them. Puzzle toys are one option to fight kitten boredom. These toys come in a variety of designs to entertain your kitten and reward her with a treat or food, such as  IAMS™ Proactive Health™ Mother and Kitten. This offers twofold benefits, providing play and proper nutrition for supporting a kitten’s energy and playtime.


Kittens and cats will spend a great deal of time watching the outside world through windows, especially if there’s a bird feeder or butterfly garden within view. Make sure to keep at least one window blind open — especially if it looks out on an area with frequent movement and activity. There are also a number of “cat TV” videos of squirrels, birds and other nature scenes available online to keep a cat entertained.


Providing your kitten with enrichment opportunities helps prevent stress and the development of abnormal behaviors. Growing from a kitten into a cat in an enriched environment with lots of physical and psychological exercise supports the overall well-being of your pet at all stages of her life.


  • Why Your Cat Needs Fiber in Their Diet
    Why Your Cat Needs Fiber in Their Diet
    Why Your Cat Needs Fiber in Their Diet

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    Fiber isn’t just for humans — it’s an important part of balanced nutrition for cats, too!


    But how much fiber do cats need, what kinds should they be eating and how can you make sure they’re getting the right amount for their bodies?


    What's Good for You May Not Be Good for Your Cat

    Cats and humans both need fiber in their diets, but that doesn’t mean cats should be eating the same amount as humans. People are growing more aware of the importance of fiber in our own diets today — and while it’s good to think about your cat’s fiber intake too, it’s important to remember that cats have different dietary needs than humans.


    Cats have a much shorter digestive tract than humans, and unlike humans, cats are carnivorous, so their nutritional needs are better satisfied with mostly animal-based ingredients rather than plant matter.


    What Is Nondigestible Fiber, and Why Do Cats Need It? 

    Nondigestible fiber supports cat health by providing bulk that helps move food through the digestive system. This fiber is largely made up of carbohydrates that cats can’t break down in the same way they digest protein or fat. This undigested matter helps usher food through your cat’s system at a healthy pace that lets them absorb the nutrients in their food and eliminate waste comfortably. Higher levels of nondigestible fiber can even help address specific conditions like frequent hairballs.


    How Does Fiber Ferment? 

    Fiber can’t be broken down and digested like proteins and fats, but some kinds can be fermented (broken down by bacteria) in your cat’s digestive system. This breakdown produces short-chain fatty acids, which provide energy to your cat’s intestines as it is fermented.


    Fiber sources used in pet foods include cellulose, which is poorly fermentable; beet pulp, which is moderately fermentable; and gums and pectin, which can be highly fermentable. Appropriate levels of moderately fermentable fiber, such as beet pulp, provide the benefits of energy for the intestinal lining and bulk without the negative effects of excessive stool or gas. That makes them ideal for the health and comfort of most cats!


    High Fiber and Weight Loss 

    While a high-fiber diet can be part of a weight-loss solution for humans, our research has found that it’s not as helpful as a weight-reduction option for cats.


    High levels of poorly fermentable fiber in cat food dilute the calories and nutrients in a serving and may make your cat feel fuller. Unfortunately, high fiber content can also increase the rate at which food passes through your cat’s digestive tract, making it harder for them to digest other nutrients in their food. They may be going to the litter box more often, but that doesn’t mean their digestive system is working more efficiently.


    Fiber and Our Cat Foods 

    When choosing a pet food, remember that cats and humans need different things from their food. All IAMS™ cat food products are made with the right amount of moderately fermentable fiber needed to promote intestinal health. Use the IAMS™ Cat Food Selector to find a recipe tailored to your cat’s unique needs.