Australian Shepherd hero
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Australian Shepherd

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Australian Shepherds are working dogs; however, they can also be loving family companions if their energy and intelligence is appropriately channelled.

United States of America

Average Size:

Weight Range:
Males: 18 - 32 kg

Females: 16 - 29 kg

Height Range:
Males: 48 - 58 cm

Females: 46 - 56 cm

12 - 15 years

Bred For:
They were bred for herding livestock.

Intelligent, loving, high-spirited and playful.

Compatibility With Pets/Children:
Compatible with other dogs as well as children over the age of eight.

Health Risks:
Epilepsy, hereditary eye diseases, deafness, hip dysplasia.

Grooming Requirements:
Their coat needs to be brushed once a week and once every day when shedding.

Exercise Requirements:
These dogs are highly energetic and require one hour a day of play and exercise.

Nutritional Requirements:
Higher fat content, digestible carbohydrates, starchy vegetables and protein.